Author Archives: GBrooks

Sleeping and Dreaming

Sleeping and dreaming are thought to play a role in the encoding of memory, both for memories of experiences (episodic memory) and factual knowledge (semantic memory). Have you ever wondered how all of the colourful and varied experiences of life become coded into useful, factual information in the brain? To take a quote from E.J. View Post

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I believe

Do beliefs add meaning to our lives?  Do they create prejudice or conflict?  Do they lead people to commit acts which are destructive to the self and others? How can they be defined and studied?  Psychologists are tackling the subject of “belief” by relating this topic to advances that have been made over the last View Post

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Restoration Techniques in Cognitive Rehabilitation

An article entitled “Restorative Techniques in Cognitive Rehabilitation – Program Design and Clinical Benefits” was written by Dr. Ladowsky-Brooks in 1996 and was originally published in ie. Magazine (Ontario Brain Injury Association: volume 3, issue 3) before cognitive rehabilitation became widely utilized as a method to treat cognitive problems.  It was reprinted in 2011 by the View Post

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